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Office: W671
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Personal Homepage:
Degree |
Year |
Major |
Institution |
Ph.D. |
2013-2018 |
理论物理 |
中国科学院物理研究所 |
B.S. |
2009-2013 |
微电子学 |
电子科技大学 |
Professional Appointments
Year |
Position |
Institution |
2018-2021 |
博士后 |
普林斯顿大学 |
Research Interests
Selected Publications
- Z.-D. Song, B. Lian, R. Queiroz, R. Ilan, B. A. Bernevig, and A. Stern, Delocalization Transition of a Disordered Axion Insulator, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 016602 (2021).
- Z.-D. Song, B. Lian, N. Regnault, and B. A. Bernevig, Twisted Bilayer Graphene. II. Stable Symmetry Anomaly, Phys. Rev. B 103, 205412 (2021).
- B. Lian, Z.-D. Song, N. Regnault, D. K. Efetov, A. Yazdani, and B. A. Bernevig, Twisted Bilayer Graphene. IV. Exact Insulator Ground States and Phase Diagram, Phys. Rev. B 103, 205414 (2021).
- B. A. Bernevig, B. Lian, A. Cowsik, F. Xie, N. Regnault, and Z.-D. Song, Twisted Bilayer Graphene. V. Exact Analytic Many-Body Excitations in Coulomb Hamiltonians: Charge Gap, Goldstone Modes, and Absence of Cooper Pairing, Phys. Rev. B 103, 205415 (2021).
- Z.-D. Song, L. Elcoro, and B. A. Bernevig, Twisted Bulk-Boundary Correspondence of Fragile Topology, Science 367, 794 (2020).
- F. Xie, Z. Song, B. Lian, and B. A. Bernevig, Topology-Bounded Superfluid Weight in Twisted Bilayer Graphene, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 167002 (2020).
- Z. Song, C. Fang, and Y. Qi, Real-Space Recipes for General Topological Crystalline States, Nature Communications 11, 1 (2020).
- Z. Song, S.-J. Huang, Y. Qi, C. Fang, and M. Hermele, Topological States from Topological Crystals, Science Advances 5, eaax2007 (2019).
- Z.-D. Song, L. Elcoro, Y.-F. Xu, N. Regnault, and B. A. Bernevig, Fragile Phases as Affine Monoids: Classification and Material Examples, Phys. Rev. X 10, 031001 (2020).
- Z. Song and X. Dai, Hear the Sound of Weyl Fermions, Phys. Rev. X 9, 021053 (2019).
- Z. Song, Z. Wang, W. Shi, G. Li, C. Fang, and B. A. Bernevig, All Magic Angles in Twisted Bilayer Graphene Are Topological, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 036401 (2019).
- T. Zhang, Y. Jiang, Z. Song, H. Huang, Y. He, Z. Fang, H. Weng, and C. Fang, Catalogue of Topological Electronic Materials, Nature 566, 475 (2019).
- Z. Song, T. Zhang, Z. Fang, and C. Fang, Quantitative Mappings between Symmetry and Topology in Solids, Nature Communications 9, 3530 (2018).
- Z. Song, T. Zhang, and C. Fang, Diagnosis for Nonmagnetic Topological Semimetals in the Absence of Spin-Orbital Coupling, Phys. Rev. X 8, 031069 (2018).
- Z. Song, Z. Fang, and C. Fang, (D-2)-Dimensional Edge States of Rotation Symmetry Protected Topological States, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 246402 (2017).
- Z. Song, Z. Fang, and X. Dai, Instability of Dirac Semimetal Phase under a Strong Magnetic Field, Phys. Rev. B 96, 235104 (2017).
- Z. Song, J. Zhao, Z. Fang, and X. Dai, Detecting the Chiral Magnetic Effect by Lattice Dynamics in Weyl Semimetals, Phys. Rev. B 94, 214306 (2016).
Opening Positions